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People are biased partisans: they tend to agree with policies from political parties they identify with, independent of policy content. Here, we investigate how physiological reactions to political parties shape bias. Using changes in galvanic skin conductance responses to the visual presentation of party logos, we obtained an implicit and physiological measure of the affective arousal associated with political parties. Subsequently, we exposed subjects to classical party cue experiments where the party sponsors of specific policies were experimentally varied. We found that partisan bias only obtains among those exhibiting a strong physiological reaction to the party source; being a self-reported party identifier is not sufficient on its own. This suggests that partisan bias is rooted in implicit, affective reactions.  相似文献   
Various physiological and psychological functions are influenced by circadian typology (CT), which was reported to be related to resilience. However, few studies have assessed the effects of CT in relation to resilience. The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of CT on sleep-related symptoms, physical fatigue and psychological well-being in relation to resilience. The present study included a total of 1794 healthy hospital employees, and they completed the Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire, Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Fatigue Severity Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale Abbreviated Version. Subjects with evening type showed lower sleep quality, more daytime sleepiness and physical fatigue than neither types and morning types. Additionally, evening types were more depressed and anxious and reported a poorer quality of life. CT was found to be a significant predictor of sleep quality, but CT was minimally associated with physical fatigue and psychological well-being in the regression analysis. Instead, resilience was substantially related to all of the variables measured. In conclusion, CT independently predicts sleep quality, but the effects of CT on physical fatigue and psychological well-being are negligible compared to those of resilience.  相似文献   
外泌体(exosomes)是细胞分泌的纳米级细胞外囊泡.外泌体通过释放其内的生物活性大分子,比如微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)到受体细胞,从而介导细胞间交流通讯. MiRNAs作为一类主要在转录后水平负向调控靶mRNAs的非编码RNAs,其在外泌体中含量最为丰富.在肺癌中,miRNAs经肿瘤细胞分泌的外泌体转运释放而发挥重要的作用.本文主要讨论了外泌体源性miRNAs在肺癌发生发展的各个阶段,包括血管生成、细胞增殖、侵袭转移、免疫逃逸、耐药等方面的作用,以及其在作为新型肺癌诊断和预后标志物方面的临床价值.  相似文献   
基于陕北地区1990、2000、2015年土地利用数据,运用单位面积生态系统价值当量因子法、格网法、探索性空间数据法(ESDA),分析了退耕还林还草工程实施前后生态系统服务价值(ESV)的空间分布和演化规律,探讨了退耕还林还草工程对ESV的影响。结果表明:(1)陕北地区退耕还林还草工程实施效果显著,工程实施后共有297066.15 hm2耕地转化为林地和草地,林草覆盖率由57.33%增长至60.50%。(2)退耕还林还草工程使得陕北地区ESV得到了显著提升。25年间陕北地区ESV共增加了32.82亿元,ESV在工程实施后比工程实施前多增加了5.93亿元,增长主要源于退耕引起林地和草地面积的增加。(3)ESV空间分布上呈显著的“南高北低”分布格局,并表现出正向的集聚性和依存性,ESV热点区和冷点区集聚效果明显,热点区集聚与林地、草地的空间分布相吻合,冷点区集聚与未利用地、耕地和建设用地的空间分布相吻合。(4)受退耕还林还草工程影响,陕北地区中部中等等级和次高ESV分布区域逐渐增大、次热点区空间集聚性逐渐增强,北部次低等级和低等级ESV分布区域逐渐减少、冷点区空间集聚性逐渐减弱。整体而言,陕北地区土地利用类型转移和ESV的增减变化与推行退耕还林还草工程在时间上相呼应、在空间上相匹配,退耕还林还草工程实施使得陕北地区生态环境得到了有效改善,ESV得到了显著提升。  相似文献   
Due to the direction, intensity, duration and consistency of genetic selection, especially recent artificial selection, the production performance of domestic pigs has been greatly changed. Therefore, we reasoned that there must be footprints or selection signatures that had been left during domestication. In this study, with porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping data from both commercial Large White and local Chinese Tongcheng pigs, we calculated the extended haplotype homozygosity values of the two breeds using the long‐range haplotype method to detect selection signatures. We found 34 candidate regions, including 61 known genes, from Large White pigs and 25 regions comprising 57 known genes from Tongcheng pigs. Many selection signatures were found on SSC1, SSC4, SSC7 and SSC14 regions in both populations. According to quantitative trait loci and network pathway analyses, most of the regions and genes were linked to growth, reproduction and immune responses. In addition, the average genetic differentiation coefficient FST was 0.254, which means that there had already been a significant differentiation between the breeds. The findings from this study can contribute to further research on molecular mechanisms of pig evolution and domestication and also provide valuable references for improvement of their breeding and cultivation.  相似文献   
由纤维堆囊菌产生的埃博霉素具有极大药用价值,但因纤维堆囊菌液体环境中聚团非均匀生长限制了埃博霉素的大规模生产。借助多孔陶瓷的多孔结构,可为粘细菌提供固体附着生长面,提高埃博霉素产量。利用造孔剂法制备硅藻土基多孔陶瓷,在优化制备及改性条件后,当30目木屑造孔剂用量为2.5%(质量分数),7 MPa下制得的硅藻土基多孔陶瓷性能良好,孔径集中在5μm,比表面积为23.55 m2/g,孔隙率为32%,机械强度为10.2 MPa;经1.5 mol/L FeCl3改性的多孔陶瓷对纤维堆囊菌的吸附量达36.8 mg/g。在优化固定化发酵条件后,当在300 ml三角瓶中装液量为45 ml,固液比3:5,接种量10%,温度30℃,转速220 r/min,最初pH 7.5,发酵时间为8 d时,埃博霉素的产量达90.2 mg/L,与游离发酵相比提高了近4倍。  相似文献   
水分利用效率(WUE)是表征陆地碳-水循环耦合关系的重要指标,但其对气候变化响应的高程分异仍不清楚。通过集合经验模态分解(EEMD)去趋势和偏相关方法,以"21世纪海上丝绸之路"沿线省份为研究区,揭示WUE对气候变化的响应及其随高程的分异。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内WUE多年均值由中心向南北递减。不同植被类型的WUE多年均值由高到低依次为:常绿针叶林、混交林、常绿阔叶林、稀树灌木草地、耕地和城市建设用地。(2)51.11%的区域表现出均温与WUE的正相关;而81.46%地区表明温差的扩大会使得WUE增加;有近一半的研究区表明最高温的升高有利于提高WUE,而最低温的作用则相反;有67.99%的区域表明降水增多反而会导致WUE的减少。(3)在大多数土地覆盖类型,日温差和最低温主要与WUE呈正相关,而最高温和降水主要与WUE呈负相关。在常绿针叶林、耕地和城市建设用地,日均温与WUE呈负相关。在其他三种植被类型下则呈正相关。(4)在低海拔地区,均温与WUE呈负相关而在中高海拔地区则转变为正相关关系。而最高温则正好相反。降水与WUE的负相关关系系数随高度的增加而不断加强,而温差和最低温与WUE的正相关关系也随高度的增加而剧烈波动增强。  相似文献   
目的 蛋白质纯化是医学与生物学实验教学课程中的一个重要内容,本文通过设计新的蛋白质纯化虚拟仿真教学内容,开发虚拟仿真教学系统,希望学生能够更有效率地掌握蛋白质纯化技术的要点,提升教学质量。方法 利用3D虚拟仿真技术,构建虚拟仿真实验室。结合线下教学经验,确定虚拟仿真教学中需要体现的教学内容、教学重点、核心仪器的特色、评分指标、考核方式、操作体验等。结果 本文基于3D虚拟仿真技术构建了蛋白质纯化虚拟仿真实验室,和传统教学相比,虚拟仿真教学可以提高教学效率,节省教学成本和场地占用;教学设计和虚拟仿真教学系统融合了教学、练习和考核模块,根据以往的教学经验优化了评分体系,保证学生更加有效、严谨地掌握技术细节;涵盖了全新的教学内容——荧光检测联用的分子排阻层析,添加了蛋白质层析的常用案例,保证了内容的新颖与实用;完全再现了现实实验室中仪器设备的搭建模式,实现虚拟学习与实际操作的无缝衔接。结论 蛋白质纯化虚拟仿真教学系统由虚及实,由点及面,把控细节,保证学生动手能力和探索能力的提高,学以致用,并且拥有传统教学模式不可比拟的优势。  相似文献   


The ectomycorrhizal genus Strobilomyces is widely distributed throughout many parts of the world, but its origin, divergence and distribution patterns remain largely unresolved. In this study, we aim to explore the species diversity, distribution and evolutionary patterns of Strobilomyces on a global scale by establishing a general phylogenetic framework with extensive sampling.


Africa, Australasia, East Asia, Europe, North America, Central America and Southeast Asia.


The genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition method was used to delimit phylogenetic species. Divergence times were estimated using a Bayesian uncorrelated lognormal relaxed molecular clock. The ancestral area and host of Strobilomyces were inferred via the programs rasp and mesquite . The change of diversification rate over time was estimated using Ape, Laser and Bammtools software packages.


We recognize a novel African clade and 49 phylogenetic species with morphological evidence, including 18 new phylogenetic species and 23 previously described ones. Strobilomyces probably originated in Africa, in association with Detarioideae/Phyllanthaceae/Monotoideae during the early Eocene. The dispersal to Southeast Asia can be explained by Wolfe's “Boreotropical migration” hypothesis. East Asia, Australasia, Europe and North/Central America are primarily the recipients of immigrant taxa during the Oligocene or later. A rapid radiation implied by one diversification shift was inferred within Strobilomyces during the Miocene.

Main conclusions

An unexpected phylogenetic species diversity within Strobilomyces was uncovered. The highest diversity, resulting probably from a rapid radiation, was found in East Asia. Dispersal played an important role in the current distribution pattern of Strobilomyces. The Palaeotropical disjunction is explained by species dispersal from Africa to Southeast Asia through boreotropical forests during the early Eocene. Species from the Northern Hemisphere and Australasia are largely derived from immigrant ancestors from Southeast Asia.  相似文献   
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